THANK YOU to everyone who helped make this event a success!
We raised over $1,500 for our upcoming mission trip!
Our Elevate Senior High Youth recently held their annual baked potato and bake sale fundraiser. And if you saw the size of our potatoes and the amount of baked goods we had available last Sunday, you know what an operation this fundraiser can be.
I want to personally thank our youth (both middle and high schoolers) who gave their time, talents, and energy to help make this event successful. Not only did our youth get involved, but so did many of their parents. Whether you were helping to collect containers to store the potato fix-ins in, helping to bake up a storm at home, helping in the church’s kitchen, helping with the bake sale the day of, or simply helping by being the motivating force behind your student, parents I thank you for all that you do.
This youth ministry and the events we host and hold throughout the year take a lot of planning, prepping, hands-on efforts, and, of course, a ton of work behind the scenes. As the saying goes, it certainly does take a village, and I try never to take you or the help that you and your youth offer for granted. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank YOU!
To our congregation members who supported us monetarily this past Sunday, we thank you for allowing God to use you so that you could be blessed to be a blessing. With your help, we raised over $1,500 for our upcoming summer mission trip for our Elevate high school students! These funds will help us in our journey toward Knoxville, Tennessee. On behalf of our youth, their families, and myself, I thank you for your patience, your flexibility, and your willingness to help support this next generation of Christian leaders as they set their sights on being the hands and feet of Jesus to the community in Knoxville, Tennessee, this summer.
Just like our delicious baked potatoes and baked goods, I hope God’s love continues to fill and sustain you and your family as we continue through this season of Lent. Blessings to you all!