Pastor Muchow Writes a Letter to the Confirmation Class of 2023
Dear Friends in Christ,
These confirmands, one of which is my own son, have journeyed quite far and long in their efforts to be confirmed in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LC-MS). For most of them, the process has taken three years.
- Year one (under the leadership of Director of Christian Education Josh McNamara) allowed the confirmands to focus primarily on the Biblical narrative, addressing how Jesus fulfilled prophecy and died for the sins of the world.
- Year two (under the leadership of Epiphany Teacher Paul Wilke) enabled the confirmands to study the major doctrines (i.e., sin, salvation, God’s nature, the Sacraments, prayer, and the commandments) which flow out of the Scriptures themselves.
- And in year three (under the leadership of Pastor Muchow), the confirmands studied some of the practical applications of the first two years of teachings.
During the last year, these ten students brought joy to me through their friendliness, respectfulness, desire to learn, and love for one another. They were one of the nicest classes I have had the privilege of teaching. I pray that they never lose their joy in Christ and one another.
The students learned quite a few things about God and the unique Lutheran way of looking at life. Each of them ended their 8th-grade confirmation experience with an interview (more like a quiz) to see how much of their experience they could “confess before others.” The students had to write a paper (which they read aloud at the Saturday night Confirmation Banquet) with the topic, “Why I Will Remain a Lutheran Christian .”These papers are available to all members. This year, the students did a great job revealing God’s Law and Gospel, God’s Grace and our Works, and a knowledge of Word and Sacrament ministry. I can’t help but get excited when I hear these confirmands speak about the Grace of Jesus.
Overall, my constant hope for 2023’s confirmation class is that they and all Christians delight in the Biblical assurances of their sins forgiven and their salvation certain. In doing so, they will find more time to serve God’s many people and their many needs in this world. I have a few prayers for this class, and you are welcome to join in these prayers, as well.
- I pray that they never cease knowing how much God loves them and cares for them.
- I pray that they remain in our Epiphany community for years and years to come.
- I pray that they continue growing in the knowledge of God wherever they are in their lives.
- I pray that, as they have such Godly assurances, they spend more energy toward loving, caring, and blessing others in this crazy and wonderful world.
- I pray they carry the Christian faith into their families for many generations.
Living to Serve,