Church Activities

Epiphany Congratulates our Senior High School Graduates

Congratulations to all of our High School Seniors!
Check out the Photos Below to see the Graduates Gifts

We want to extend our heartfelt Congratulations to our Senior High Graduates for their unwavering dedication to their academics! Last Sunday, we had the honor of recognizing eight exceptional students from our Church & School. Despite the challenges posed by the storms, we were determined to celebrate their achievements, and we were able to recognize the majority of our youth.

As a token of our love and support, each of our graduates will receive a Bible, a Bible journal, and a James Avery Key Chain. These gifts have been carefully chosen to remind them that no matter where their future leads them, their Church family and, more importantly, Jesus, are with them, supporting and guiding them every step of the way.

God has blessed us with these wonderful youth, and now they are about to go out into the world and be a blessing to others in Jesus’ name. We look forward to watching what they do and pray for their success and continued faith in Jesus!

Congratulations to the following graduates:

  • Megan Groeschel – Graduate of Concordia High School
  • Maddox Lyons – Graduate of Concordia High School
  • Madelyn Mize – Graduate of Cy Fair High School
  • Sierra Muchow – Graduate of Concordia High School
  • Emily Shook – Graduate of Cy Ridge High School
  • Matthew Swan – Graduate of Concordia High School
  • Benjamin Thoede – Graduate of St. Thomas High School