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TACO ‘Bout Fun!!!

Taco Tuesday was certainly a night to remember!
Be sure to check out the photos below of this amazing night!
Thank you Brittany Cliff and Emily Mize!

Impact Youth Taco Tuesday night was a night to remember. We ate delicious tacos and delved into the story of Joseph, learning how to navigate challenging times in our lives. The kids played numerous games and had a blast chasing after our Human Piñata. (Thanks, Cash! Excellent job keeping the kids on their toes!)

Our Bible study included several powerful moments. We went into the cistern, and the youth silently prayed about a time they felt abandoned. We then broke glow sticks as a reminder that whenever they feel isolated or abandoned, Jesus is with them. We also set up T.A.C.O.S prayer stations and the youth split up into groups to travel through the stations, giving Thanks, Applause, Confession, praying for Others, and praying for Self.

We ended the night with more fun games and hangout time. A special shoutout to Brittany Cliff for helping me plan and lead and to Emily Mize for volunteering to help cook and serve 70 tacos and lead 18 kids in several rounds of ALIEN!

Don’t forget, Impact Youth are heading to the movies on July 6, 2024! Be sure to click the link below to reserve your tickets today!