Church Activities

College Care Packages Coming Soon

Click the link below to share it with your college student
If you would like to be a part of this ministry project or have any questions contact Beth Hixon

As a way to keep our Epiphany college students connected to our church, we will be creating care packages each semester to remind them of our love and support.

If you have a student living away from home, we invite you to share the link attached to this article and have them fill out their favorites list! Once we have their completed wish list, we will post their wish items and their name next to a box.

We will invite all of our church members to fill the boxes by donating one or more items and any thoughts or prayers they would like to share. Each semester, we will mail the care package during midterms.  

If you have any questions or would like to participate in this ministry project, please email Beth Hixon at