Church Activities School News

Introducing the Principal Call Committee!

We pray that each member is equipped by the Holy Spirit with all the knowledge and skills needed to successfully find and call our school’s next principal

Principal Jon Fraker recently announced that he has accepted the Call to be Principal at Cross Lutheran Church and School in New Braunfels, Texas, beginning with the 2025-2026 School Year. While we are all sad to see him go and will miss him dearly, it is time to start the process of finding and extending a Call to a new principal for Epiphany Lutheran School. The Principal Call Committee is dedicated to finding someone who is led by the Holy Spirit, charismatic, and who will be a great leader with a vision for growing our school and leading families to Jesus!
The Principal Call Committee will diligently interview each person to ensure the new principal reflects the Church and School’s values of Engage, Encourage, and Enrich. This committee is looking for someone who can keep students and parents engaged, facilitate continued growth, be extremely organized, be conscious of their budget, and inspire excellence in education and Christian leadership among the staff, students, families, and community.
Below is the list of individuals who have committed to serve on this committee. We pray that each member is equipped by the Holy Spirit with all the knowledge and skills needed to successfully find and call our school’s next principal.
Greg Entzenberger – Call Committee Chair, Board of Elders
Michael Cammack – Board of Elders
Kathy Entzenberger – School Board Chair
Fred Ziehe – School Board
Bruce Milbrath – Epiphany Member (Educator)
Sonya Muchow – Epiphany Member (School Board)
Brittany Cliff – Epiphany Member (Board of Education)
Currently, the committee is setting meeting dates with Dr. Bill Hinz, Director of Schools for the Texas District.  He will provide guidance on what needs to happen throughout the Call process. Dr. Hinz will provide a starter list of candidates and advise the committee on the next steps. He understands that Epiphany Lutheran School is ambitious to continue growth and expand the school.
The committee hopes that a new principal will be selected and accept the Call as the Holy Spirit leads by January 2025. They will keep the congregation informed along the way.
We ask that you keep all those involved in your prayers as they go through this vital process of finding a new principal for Epiphany Lutheran School who shares in the desire to keep our school growing and embody the three E’s all at the same time!