School News

The Preschool Playground: A Windy Tale of Resilience

The Preschool has a brand new shiny playground cover in place and are eagerly awaiting the second one!

The Lord sure has a sense of humor, and it seems He’s pushing us to action in the most creative of ways!

Houston’s first March storm gave our preschool playground a dramatic makeover. Imagine our surprise when both of our large playground covers decided to split! One cover fared worse, so we replaced it, thinking we were one step ahead of Mother Nature.

But May had other plans. The second storm, clearly a fan of dramatic sequels, took it upon itself to continue shredding the cover we didn’t replace. It didn’t stop there—oh no! The new cover, which had just been proudly installed, was torn to shreds, and the metal structures supporting the covers looked like a modern art installation titled “Twisted Metal Dreams.”

Fast forward to now, and we have one shiny new cover in place. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the second one, hoping it gets here and is installed before the first day of school on August 26, 2024. If not, we might just have to rename our playground “Windy Wonders Park.”

So, keep us in your prayers, and maybe send some extra tape and glue our way. With a bit of luck (and some divine intervention), our playground will be ready to welcome the kiddos back for another year of fun—hopefully with fewer unplanned aerodynamic adventures!