School News

Smart Families: The App Trap

Next Wednesday, September 4, 2024
This presentation is for all 3rd – 8th graders

Smart Families will give the 3rd – 8th grade students The App Trap presentation on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. The App Trap is an interactive, age-appropriate presentation that offers neuroscience education tailored to students’ developmental stages about the addictive nature of the apps they use. 

It will give our students a chance to gain insights into their brain development and understand how the apps they currently use, or might use in the future, are deliberately engineered to capture and hijack their focus and attention. Our interactive discussion will offer tips on developing healthier digital habits and using technology more mindfully, as well as a chance for students to share their own experiences.  

We are super excited to see this presentation, and we hope that it will help positively influence our students to be more mindful while online.