Engage. Encourage. Enrich.
God is Near.
The Bible tells us that God is very interested in us and loves us dearly. He revealed this once and for all when He sent His only Son Jesus to come into the world. We, the Church, respond to God’s engaging presence as we lovingly participate in and serve our local and global community with God’s love, grace, and mercy found only in Jesus.
God is Uplifting.
The Bible tells us that God meets us where we are with the Gospel (“Good News”) of Jesus. God lifts us from the depths of our sin and restores us to be the people we are meant to be in this world. As God graciously forgives us and redeems us we, in turn, find ways to encourage others in the Name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.
God Enhances Life.
The Bible reveals how our lives are better because of our faith in Christ. God helps us know who we are and equips us to be all that we can be. As people who receive so many blessings from God, we in turn continue finding ways to bless and enrich others’ lives with the same loving story of Jesus, Who died and rose from the dead so that all people might be blessed and strengthened through His love.