Children's Ministry

☄️The VBS Slide Show is Out of this World☄️

Thank You to All of Our Stellar Volunteers!
Be Sure to Relive the Magical Moments in the Slideshow Below!

Epiphany Lutheran Church experienced an exhilarating and unforgettable Stellar Vacation Bible School this past week. The children were immersed in a world of excitement and joy as they participated in various activities and learned valuable lessons. From engaging Bible stories to immersive science experiments, and lively songs, the children had an absolute blast.

This Stellar VBS would not have been possible without our incredible volunteers’ dedication and hard work. Their commitment to making this event a success was truly commendable. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to every volunteer for their selfless contributions, which brought so much happiness to the children. We would also like to thank our fearless leader, Beth Hixon, whose guidance and vision made this VBS an unforgettable experience for all involved.

We invite you to relive the magical moments of the Stellar VBS by checking out the photo slideshow below. Witness the children’s faces beaming with excitement as they explored new concepts, forged new friendships, and grew in their faith!