Church Activities

The Food Pantry Needs You!

Help us Keep This Vital Mission Running
You Can Donate Food By Bringing it to Epiphany 
If You Are Interested in Volunteering Contact Brenda

The Epiphany Food Pantry is one of our church’s missions within the community. Our pantry serves retirees, families, and the homeless, all of who qualify based on USDA poverty guidelines. With skyrocketing food prices, our pantry has seen a dramatic increase in the number of families we serve.  

Our pantry needs volunteers to help our mission to engage, enrich, and encourage our community and each other! Volunteers help package food before and during distributions, interview clients, or document food received by clients. Food distributions occur twice a month, and we package dry goods once a month. Help us keep our mission to serve the community strong!!

Our Schedule
Our food pantry serves food to the community on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Volunteers arrive between 7:30am – 8:00am, and we begin serving clients by 9:00am. We provide clients with nonperishable dry goods, canned goods, and other household items on the second Saturday of each month.  

We receive fresh fruit and a vegetable truck from the Houston Food Bank on the fourth Saturday of every month. Our food is delivered around 7:30am. At delivery, we have to package food for distribution so it can be served to waiting clients. Volunteers are critical for our success!

We Need You!
There are multiple opportunities to help serve the community. From preparing food for distribution on Tuesday night before the second Saturday distribution to helping during distributions, we need volunteers to help us make our mission a success. For more information, contact Brenda Odhiambo at 832-715-1239 (text or call).  

We are always accepting donations if you cannot serve at a distribution. You can drop off nonperishable items such as canned goods, rice, cereal, baby food, and even baby diapers! For more ideas, just contact Brenda!