Church Activities

LWR Personal Care Kits

$5 will Buy a Whole Kit
Look Below for Items that are Needed

It’s that time again!! Epiphany will start collecting items for our Lutheran World Relief Personal Care Kits in September. The items in our personal care kits provide much-needed self-care to those who need a helping hand. 

How can you help? Below are the needed items:
Lightweight bath towels (no white)
Four oz. bars of soap
adult toothbrush
and monetary donations to purchase combs and clippers in bulk.

If you would rather donate money, $5 will purchase a whole kit. There will be a collection container in the welcome center. If you have any questions or require additional information, contact Linda Brown at

At the end of October, we will assemble the kits for the LWML Ingathering on November 04, 2023.