Children's Ministry Photo Galleries

Our Back to School Cook Out was a HUGE Success!

A huge thank you to everyone who helped out!

Our Back To School Cook Out, which turned into a Cook-IN due to the heat, was a HUGE success! We had a great time connecting with our Church, Pre-school, and Elementary School families as we prepared our Epiphany children for the new school year! We served over 50 adults and about 35 children…we lost count!!!

A special thank you goes out to our Board of Education team for helping Mrs. Hixon pull this off. Matt Thornton suffered the 110+ degree heat and cooked 80 hamburgers and 75 hot dogs with the help of David Cliff! Gina Fingleman, Pastor & Sonya Muchow, and Brittany & David Cliff helped us serve food and dish out massive amounts of ice cream for our Ice Cream Sundae bar!

The children traveled through 5 different prayer stations where they prayed for their teachers and friends, asked for God’s help and guidance, and celebrated the many blessings He has provided in their lives. We had outdoor games, including Corn Hole, Jenga, Tic Tac Toe, and Connect 4! We thank God for all the families He has placed in our care and pray for a successful and safe school year.