Church Activities

Epiphany’s Audit Results 2024

A Letter from Mr. Michael S Marcus, Congregational President

Epiphany Members & Friends,

It is the Church Council’s duty and responsibility to ensure that we are good Stewards of all the Lord has given our Congregation. Part of that responsibility is for our Vice President, Louis Niklas, to appoint an Audit Committee. He has completed this task, appointing very dedicated and hardworking members to perform the audit.

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Bernadette Thornton and Brittany Cliff for their selfless dedication to this project. Their commitment to reviewing a year’s worth of financial data, our policies and procedures, and interviewing all those involved in our finances, is truly commendable. I also want to thank all those who cooperated and showed dedication in caring for our finances. 

We are delighted to inform you that our financial statements have successfully passed the test, accurately reflecting our finances and performance. Our policies and procedures were found to be free of material errors, with several constructive suggestions for improvement. This outcome is a testament to our commitment to transparency and accountability. Based on their suggestions, the Council will review and implement them over the coming months. 

If anyone wishes to review the completed audit, it will be available on file in the Church office. The Audit Opinion Letter is also included here for your reference.

We pray that God continues to bless our Congregation with gifted and devoted individuals who will carry His Gospel message to the community.

Yours in Christ,
Michael S Marcus
Congregational President