Church Activities

“Where Do You Fit In?” – Discovering Your Place in Our Church Community

As we usher in the new year, Epiphany is excited to launch a new campaign entitled “Where Do You Fit In?” 

The Purpose:
At the core of “Where Do You Fit In” is the belief that everyone has a unique role in our church family. Whether you have a talent for teaching, a knack for nurturing, or a gift for guidance, there’s a place for you here. This campaign is about identifying your strengths and passions and matching them with opportunities within our church.

Epiphany has a lot of ministries, events, and groups that all add to our mission of Engaging, Encouraging, and Enriching others in our community. There is a place for everyone to be connected in an enriching, sustainable, and fulfilling way. Where Do You Fit In is about discovering where you can thrive and contribute most meaningfully within our church community.

Inspirational Stories
Leading up to this, we are showcasing stories of familiar faces in our church – those leaders who are already making a difference at Epiphany. We highlight their journeys from being outsiders to key community members as sources of inspiration and a testament to the power of finding one’s place. 

Where Do YOU Fit In?
Whether you’ve been with us for years or are just starting, we invite every congregation member to consider where you fit in. This campaign is an open invitation to explore the roles, ministries, and groups within our church. It’s about taking that brave step towards active participation and deeper connection.