Church Activities

UPDATE: Epiphany’s 40th Anniversary Cookbook

It’s Not too Late to Submit Your Favorite Recipe or Short Story!
Deadline is September 01, 2023
Click the Link Below to Submit Your Recipe

As most of you know, we are assembling a cookbook to celebrate Epiphany’s 40th anniversary. Although we have about 125 recipes submitted, our last cookbook held 300. As you can see, we are far below our desired submissions.

We need recipes for main dishes, desserts, hors d’oeuvres, this & that, breads, and any other sweet treat or dish you may have a recipe for! When you submit your recipe, write a few sentences explaining why you chose this dish or what special memory this dish holds for you. Alternatively, you could write a little story about the Church.

We want to make this 40th Anniversary cookbook special, so we need all the help we can get. Our current deadline is September 01, 2023. There are forms for submissions at the front door of the church entrance. You can take a form, staple a copy of your recipe to the form and we’ll enter it for you, or you can go online and enter it directly. The password and instructions are on these forms.

If you feel motivated to begin now, click the link below and tape in the Group Name and Password to submit your recipe!

Group Name: ELCHScookbook
Password: whisk273

We look forward to seeing all the new recipes from you!